Thor: Ragnarok (2017) – Taiki Waititi
The newest Thor movie, the third of
its trilogy in the third phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe,
coming after what seems like no less than three hundred and eleven
previous Marvel installments, is probably as good as we can hope to
get at this point, and that is really not a terrible thing. It didn't
reinvent the wheel. It didn't really try to do anything that Marvel
hadn't done before. It still had dumb plot maguffins, shoed-in cameos
to make us say OH HAI DR. STRANGE, I MEMBER YOU, and a pretty lame
bad guy, but goddamn if it wasn't a pretty fun time with plenty of
80's style and charm to boot.
The fact that the entire movie and its
big jokes were intimately detailed in every trailer and still wasn't
ruined while viewing is a testament to loose, improvisational style
that director Taiki Waititi and the movie takes. It's probably the
funniest Marvel movie, possibly only being outdone by the first
Guardians (which owed a lot to the same looser, comedic tone that
James Gunn very intelligently used). In fact, Thor: Ragnorak takes a
lot of cues from its inter-dimensional space brother, and not just in
humor. The junker, thunder-dome planet of Sicara, where all the best
parts of the movie take place, has a bright, grimy, retro 1960s as
future feel to it that goes side by side with Starlord listening to a
mix tape on a Walkman while discovering extraterrestrial power
Jeff Goldblum at some of his
Goldblumiest, the bright splashes of yellows, greens, and neon, and
most importantly, the dystopian, 80s synth soundtrack (Turbo Boy with
a 100 million dollar soundtrack, anyone?) definitely set this movie
apart from Thor's previous installments (which, while basically
everyone's least favorite, I kind of enjoy. The Dark World was just
so stupid that I thought it worked). And almost the whole cast is
fucking charming. Chris Hemsworth uses his veiny, biceppy, innate
dumb-goodness for maximum likability, making the character
welcomingly relatable for basically the first time. His scenes with
Hulk (even though I swear to god we saw most of them in the trailers)
are exactly what he needed to show some humorous range.
But the MVP award goes to Tessa
Thompson. She's a hard-drinking, tough-as-shit, former warrior
princess who turned her back on her people (after I'm pretty sure her
fellow female warrior/lover was killed, but phew, thank god they
didn't say it for sure cuz IT'S ADAM AND EVE NOT THOR AND STEVE.
Steve like...Steve Rogers...Get it? That's Captain America's name?
Aaaah you get it!) and doesn't give a shit about nobody, until of
course she changes her mind and decides to give a shit. But the
script (or lackthereof) and Thompson's unbelievably charming
performance make all these things about her character not suck at
all. She actually appears to have strength and autonomy and she's a
breath of fresh air. She reminded me of Osha from Game of Thrones if only she was an immortal badass warrior and wasn't lost for four seasons only to be immediately stabbed in the neck by Ramsay upon returning (SORRY SPOILERS).
Cate Blanchett is there to chew up
some scenery. It's...fine. There's a long punchy-fighty third act
that doesn't quite nail it (Marvel movie Third acts...more like TURD
ACTS, AMIRITE?!) There's a few “emotional” scenes with Anthony
Hopkins as Odin that also kinda fart along, but thankfully those
don't take up too much time. The things wrong with Thor are the same
things that plague every halfway decent superhero movie. At this
point there's no way to escape the cross promotion and vertical
integration synergy jargon machine that is the MCU, but most of those
evils are kept quirkily at bay by first time big-budget director
Taiki Waititi, whose complete lack of experience in this type of
blockbuster making was probably the movie's greatest asset.
I'm pretty sure that, creatively at least, the
MCU is teetering on its last legs, and even though I still see every
one of these things in theatres, even I can't be sure how much longer
this shit is going to be entertaining. But Thor: Ragnarok is plenty
fucking entertaining. So whatever. Let's all pick up some snakes
because we all know how much Thor loves snakes.
GRADE: 7 of 10 Smashed Magical Hammers
This is truly neither here nor there, but before I saw the movie I went to the taco truck across the street (Danny's, I think?) and ordered a Cubano torta. It had a hot dog on it. It had ham and some roast pork too, but it also. Had. A fucking. Hot. Dog. On it. It didn't even taste horrible, it was just an abomination against God. That's all. Just had to get that off my chest.
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17 Dollars? More like FREE BECAUSE MOVIEPASS IS THE DUMBEST/BEST THING EVER. There's no way this is going to last long. |
This is truly neither here nor there, but before I saw the movie I went to the taco truck across the street (Danny's, I think?) and ordered a Cubano torta. It had a hot dog on it. It had ham and some roast pork too, but it also. Had. A fucking. Hot. Dog. On it. It didn't even taste horrible, it was just an abomination against God. That's all. Just had to get that off my chest.
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